Well after a long winter, spring is here in full force. We have one cria (baby) already, a little boy. Isn't he the cutest thing?
Then we have one more cria (baby) due any day now and one again mid June.
We are getting things ready for shearing on May 9th. Then I will have lots of fiber to skirt and get ready for the mill to process into my lace yarns and rovings for me. I leave a few fleeces here for me to play with by hand.
Be sure to go to my website and click on events to see where you will find me next. I am teaching felting classes this year at Fiber U and Ozark Fiber Fling.
I will also be vending again at the Best of Missouri Market and More at the Missouri Botanical Gardens this year. I have many new designs in store for this fall and will unveil them there. I also am working with a local merchant to carry some of my finished fashions. Stay tuned for details.
I am planning an open house for November 14th. So you can come do your Christmas shopping and visit the alpacas all in one trip.
Hope all of you are having a fabulous year and getting outdoors in the fresh sunshine. Until next time.