On August 24th 2012 my beautiful black suri alpaca named Miracle was in labor. We noticed she was having trouble. Called a Vet and loaded her into a trailer and took her to a vet 30 miles away. She was unable to have the cria naturally. The cria was all twisted inside and impossible to get out so c section delivery it was. We had a beautiful deep dark brown boy. He was born on my grandon's birthday so we let him him the cria. He picked Moose. So I told him Moose would be his alpaca buddy.
Moose had continuous skin problems and excess foamy mouth as though he had a problem that we could not find cause. We tried everything from probiotics to teeth problems. He took very ill, the night of January 8th. The temp outside dropped drastically that night down to 4 degrees with wind chills way below 0. He started to get chilled. Was having trouble standing. I tried to keep him warm and gave him thiamine every 4 hours thinking he was low on it and was in the process of developing polio (something they get fairly easily). By early morning I started to realize it was his stomach hurting as he didn't want lay sternal. He would lay with legs out to side as though it hurt too bad to touch his stomach to ground. This is not good for a ruminant to lay on side. So I propped him with bales of hay and called every Vet I could think of and none were available to help except one an hour away. So I got him loaded with the help of family and friends and took him to the Vet. They did everything they could and he did feel better within a few hours of treatment as he was back to laying sternal with head up and even walked some. Then he suddenly passed on the morning of the 9th of January 2015.
Cause of death was sepsis from a perforated ulcer.
Moose Birthday |
Gorgeous Moose |
Helping grandson feed Moose |
Grandson and Moose |
Moose last day