I love the change of season into fall. Leaves turning colors, crisp night air. Time to start thinking fall clothing. What better than add an alpaca scarf or two to that collection as well. I love wearing items made from my very own herd of alpacas.
I have been very busy this year getting ready for the big event at Missouri Botanical Gardens in St. Louis Mo. called the Best of Missouri Market and More. It is held Oct 2-4. I will have many new items I have made from my beautiful herd of alpacas. I hope you can stop by and see me and my friend Barb Bailey there.
I jumped right in and went into production of a quality sock called SuriSmart, made from USA fibers. with the main fiber being USA suri alpaca fiber. I will have them for sale at my events and they are online in my store as well.
Here is my website page with my events.
If you are unable to attend an events you can shop my online store as well. http://www.breezyridgealpacas.com/store/
Now for the big NEWS!!!
I am writing a children's book!! Yes me. I am not a writer but I do have a passion to help others so the idea about putting a book about a "special" alpaca born with a birth defect that shows you how it is ok to be different. My hope is that this book with give a child confidence if they feel they are not perfect or have a birth defect. Maybe even a parent reading it to the child will gain some insight as well. I should be available early spring 2016. You can keep up with it and find out about the alpaca on her Facebook page, Serendipity the Three Legged Alpaca