Wow it has been a busy year so far. All signed up and getting ready for the big Best of Missouri Market at the St. Louis botanical gardens again this fall. Such a compliment to be invited 3 years in a row. I have so many new things to have this fall.
I am in the process of getting back socks made from our very own herd this year. Can't wait to see how they turn out. This will be my big selling item this winter as everyone loves alpaca socks.
We had 2 new cria this spring and they are doing very well.

As you can see Sera (Serendipity) has a handicap but she has no clue she is any different. She is doing wonderful and is so adorable.

This is Ember. She is so cute.
Shearing was May 10th and I got busy and skirted and sorted and send to my favorite mills to be processed this year. I only kept a few for me to hand process. I just don't have the time like I used with the new designs I enjoy creating.
We will also be featuring 4 of my favorite designs at the Suri Strut Fashion Show, in Estes Park, Colorado Aug. 15th. I am really excited to do this and has been a challenge to creat 4 full fashion designs to be on the runway. There will be social media video after so I hope to post it here.
Back to work, much to get done!!!