Thursday, November 14, 2013
Video on making of a cowl on my Passap
I am asked how I make the knit lace scarves and items that I make with suri alpaca. So when I say a knitting machine, folks are usually amazed that I made that way. So I used my cell phone to video the making of a cowl on my passap duo 80 manual knitting machine. So while it is not the best video I hope you can get the main idea of how it works.
While I never owned a knitting machine or even used a knitting loom before this one, I find it very interesting. It is a wonderful piece of equipment built very well but is also challenging to learn. It has taken me well over 5 years to master doing what I am doing in this video. The manipulation of needles can be difficult and keeping your eye on the bed, lock, and yarn tension all at the same time is a learning curve that does take lots of experience and of course many failures to remind me! PS, I even messed up and forgot the pushers and had to take off and start over during this video.
I know some hand knitters frown at the use of a machine, but I've also been complimented over and over on the items I make on it, from hand knitters. I am not skilled at hand knitting but love suri alpaca in knit designs, and I do love to hand crochet so I can turn out different kinds of items with the lovely suri alpaca fiber.
Here is the youtube video.